3 truths I need to believe when I live next door to Sodom1. God feasts with me and he is still at working saving the whole world2. God reveals future judgment to his chosen people3. God's judgment is perfect and exacting
Preached On: 2023-09-03
The first 15 minutes are cut due to technical difficulties. Sorry church family!
Preached On: 2022-09-05
In this week's chapter of Mark Jesus answers an inquisitive scribe's question "What commandment is the first of all?". Brent continues to exposit this moment in the gospel of Mark from the lens of the phrase "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one". He speaks on the issue of idolatry and why it is an affront to our God. Message by: Brent Hisayasu Main Passage: Mark 12:28-34
Preached On: 2021-11-09
In this week's chapter of Mark Jesus answers an inquisitive scribe's question "What commandment is the first of all?". Brent continues to exposit this moment in the gospel of Mark from the lens of the phrase "And you shall love your neighbor as yourself". Message by: Brent Hisayasu Main Passage: Mark 12:28-34
Preached On: 2021-11-09
In this week's chapter of Mark Jesus answers an inquisitive scribe's question "What commandment is the first of all?". Brent exposits this moment in the gospel of Mark and then conveys practical ways to increase our love for God. Message by: Brent Hisayasu Main Passage: Mark 12:28-34
Preached On: 2021-10-25
In this week's message Shaun exposits Paul's letter to Titus. He walks us through how Paul instructs Titus in his interactions with the barbaric culture at the time and urges us to focus on engaging our culture in a way that emphasizes the beauty and power of the gospel. Message by: Shaun Garman Main Passage: Titus 3:1-11
Preached On: 2021-10-19
In this week's message, Brent presents a definition of our current cultural climate: expressive individualism. He then explains expressive individualism's detrimental effect on the church and contrasts our church relationships with who God calls the church to be. Message by: Brent Hisayasu Passages: - Colossians 2:8 - 1 Timothy 4 - Matthew 10:39 - John 8:36 - 1 Corinthians 6 - John 13:35
Preached On: 2021-10-13
Come and worship the Lord with us this morning :)
Preached On: 2021-08-22
Come and worship the Lord with us this morning :)
Preached On: 2021-08-17
Join Redeemer's Church Ventura today as we worship and proclaim the Word of God :)
Preached On: 2021-07-20
Join Redeemer's Church Ventura today as we worship and proclaim the Word of God :)
Preached On: 2021-07-12
Join Redeemer's Church Ventura today as we worship and proclaim the Word of God :)
Preached On: 2021-07-04
Sermon Points I. Be Desperate II. The Power of Crying Out III. Ask for what you need to follow Jesus
Preached On: 2021-06-27
The Big Idea: Every day, go to Jesus for Faith Faithlessness separates me from Jesus I need faith to have God at work in my life I need faith so I can be used by God message by Brent Hisayasu
Preached On: 2021-05-17
The Big Idea: First shall be last, therefore be the servant of all Humbly serving others is not natural Becoming a humble servant is a process The actions of a humble servant are rewarded message by Dave Creswell
Preached On: 2021-05-17
Welcome to the first sermon of our Advent 20/20 series. This message talks about the incredible lengths that our God will go to fulfill His promises to us.
Preached On: 2021-03-16
Three Ventura pastors talking about their partnership during Advent season Bert Alcorn from Anthem Steve Ross from Arise Brent Hisayasu from Harvest Ventura
Preached On: 2020-12-24
Three Ventura pastors talking about their partnership during Advent season Bert Alcorn from Anthem Steve Ross from Arise Brent Hisayasu from Harvest Ventura
Preached On: 2020-12-24
Three Ventura pastors talking about their partnership during Advent season Bert Alcorn from Anthem Steve Ross from Arise Brent Hisayasu from Harvest Ventura
Preached On: 2020-12-24
Three Ventura pastors talking about their partnership during Advent season Bert Alcorn from Anthem Steve Ross from Arise Brent Hisayasu from Harvest Ventura
Preached On: 2020-12-03
Big Ideas: I am exhausted in doing good while my priority is teaching the Gospel. Following Jesus means I am exhausted in doing good in my community. Following Jesus means I prioritize Gospel proclamation.
Preached On: 2020-10-19
Jesus is the Supreme Authoriy Authority means Jesus has the right to demand.
Preached On: 2020-10-14
The Big Idea: Jesus is King of the universe and I will follow Him.
Preached On: 2020-09-28
The Big Idea: If sin is not your greatest problem, you'll never come to understand the glory of Jesus Christ.
Preached On: 2020-09-23
To fulfill God's calling I must do new and painful things.
Preached On: 2020-09-23
The Big Idea: Vertical love should produce horizontal action.
Preached On: 2020-09-22
Psalm 19 God Speaks Big Idea: God speaks through: 1.) General Revelation 2.) Special Revelation
Preached On: 2020-06-25
Today’s Passage: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+19&version=ESV A link to our HarvestKids PreK Virtual Sunday School: https://youtu.be/L2BdQxzZqHc For more information on our church visit harvestventura.org To donate: harvestventura.org/give/
Preached On: 2020-05-24
Today’s Passage: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+5&version=ESV A link to our HarvestKids PreK Virtual Sunday School: https://youtu.be/dWjO1uU9nAE For more information on our church visit harvestventura.org To donate: harvestventura.org/give/
Preached On: 2020-05-17
A link to our HarvestKids PreK Virtual Sunday School: https://youtu.be/2Q402daTevE For more information on our church visit harvestventura.org To donate: harvestventura.org/give/
Preached On: 2020-05-11
Today’s Passage: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+21&version=ESV A link to our HarvestKids PreK Virtual Sunday School: https://youtu.be/a4BPhD-k8ZI For more information on our church visit harvestventura.org To donate: harvestventura.org/give/
Preached On: 2020-05-05
Today’s Passage: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Thessalonians+5%3A1-11&version=ESV A link to our HarvestKids PreK Virtual Sunday School: https://youtu.be/14IXOIHtPOg For more information on our church visit harvestventura.org To donate: harvestventura.org/give/
Preached On: 2020-04-28
Today’s Passage: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+2&version=ESV A link to our HarvestKids PreK Virtual Sunday School: https://youtu.be/TFCLAyXanGI For more information on our church visit harvestventura.org To donate: harvestventura.org/give/
Preached On: 2020-04-12
PARENTS, click here for HarvestKids PreK Virtual Sunday School: https://youtu.be/r4-ed1ekmBI
Preached On: 2020-04-02